About Platform BE

Platform BE is a boutique coaching service founded by LEONG Soo Yee, who has extensive experience as a corporate leader, C-suite executive director and innovator in accountancy, education, not-for-profit and financial services sectors in Singapore, Asia and globally. Platform BE was founded on her belief that organisations, be it commercial or not-for-profit, and their leaders can be better supported to lead change with agility and impact, to benefit the communities they serve and the world we all share.

Our beliefs

The accelerating technological advancements have led to significant changes in how we live and work. This coupled with the shifting geopolitical landscape, the climate crisis and societal changes, make running and leading organisations more challenging than ever before. This also provides leaders the opportunity of a lifetime, to steer their organisations to innovate towards a more resilient future.

The challenges of leading change and its impact on leaders cannot be under-estimated. Platform BE understands this intimately. It supports leaders on their journey of self-discovery for sharper self-awareness of their purpose, values, strengths, mindset, concerns, perceptions, emotions and hidden barriers. It supports leaders to step up their leadership, lead from the heart and mind, in overcoming challenges and lead change for themselves, their organisations and their people.

Platform Be takes your organisation and your people on a journey to be a better version of themselves, amplifying impact and results.

Our values

Integrity and transparency

We value the trust placed in us by our clients and work hard to earn and keep it. Ethics drive everything we do. We are fully transparent in pricing and on what we can deliver.

Community impact

When leaders and their organisations shine, whole communities of people are positively impacted. We partner clients over the long term to achieve impact – this is our north star.

Human connections

We treasure every relationship we build. We celebrate our interconnectedness and shared humanity.

With Platform BE’s support, leaders feel empowered to be themselves and become who they want to be, bringing their best self to work and life.