BE empowered.

Lead agilely.

Accelerate change and impact.

Transformative coaching by Platform BE.



What’s unique about professional coaching by Platform BE?

Professional coaching at Platform BE uses best-in-class transformative coaching, design thinking principles and insights of the operating environment to empower leaders to be the best versions of themselves and inspire others.

Platform BE’s coaching supercharges the impact and results of leaders through:

Personalised support on growing inner awareness

Transformative coaching helps leaders go beyond finding solutions, to learn about themselves and elevate their leadership to the next level. Using design thinking principles, leaders are supported in expanding their innovation capacity to steer their organisations successfully on innovation and transformation.

Platform BE specialises in working with senior executives and leaders – a segment it can uniquely serve. It understands every organisation and leader is unique, which is why it brings a fully personalised, rather than a templated approach to meet the needs of every client.

Understanding of the operating and change environment

Coaching with an in-depth understanding of the operating environment and mega trends affecting organisations, helps leaders gain confidence and trust, both crucial elements in a successful coaching partnership.

Platform BE supports leaders in the coaching process by setting up a safe space of mutual respect, with the coach acting as an objective sounding board; offering perspectives and constructive challenge in stretching possibilities, but always within the realities of the external environment.

Deepening emotional and cultural dexterity

Platform BE brings a deeply humanistic approach to help leaders on their inward journey of aligning values, thoughts, actions and emotions while leading change, deepening their resilience.

Its experience doing business in Asia and insights on cultural nuances, across countries, gender and generations, help leaders maximise talents and partnerships with awareness of potential blind spots, assumptions and biases.

Platform BE takes your organisation and your people on a journey to become the best versions of themselves to amplify impact and results.

What can leaders gain from Platform BE’s professional coaching?

Platform BE’s professional coaching adopts the ACE approach in bringing benefits to leaders aligned to tailored coaching objectives:


Identify strengths and over-done strengths
Identify blockers, unconscious drivers and habits


Clarify values and priorities

Align actions with intention


Adopt new perspectives which increases creativity

Deepen agility and growth mindset

Improve mental wellbeing and resilience

Lead with compassion and consciousness

With Platform BE’s support, leaders feel empowered to be themselves and become who they want to be, bringing their best self to work and life.

What is professional coaching?